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Swedish Club BINGO!

PNW Norskwear Explorer

The Swedish Club in Seattle is pretty amazing! How amazing you ask? Let me SHOW you!

On Friday I saw a Facebook Post that the Swedish Club was having a Bingo Night, and that they had invited the Sons of Norway, Leif Erikson Lodge in Ballard. So of course I had to go, I mean how often do you get to see Swedes and Norwegians getting along!

Bingo at the Swedish Club, I'm there!

This might be a Royally Good Time, Nice Sign BTW!

WOW!! Chef Christine is Serving up a Feast!!

Swedish Pancakes and Ham, This is the life!!

This is what happens, when the food is Amazing!!

Dinner and a View!!

Somebody put a Bunad on my Christmas list!

The Lucky Raffle Winner!

This is Your Lucky Day! Now You Get to Look Like Me!

YESS!! This is how Going to the Swedish Club Feels!

Thank you Seattle Swedish Club for an Amazing Night!

I hope you get a kick out of my first blog. I'll be going out, and sharing what's going on in the Pacific Northwest. Hopefully I'll be sharing some things that you haven't seen, and giving you an excuse to come out and check these amazing events out for yourself. If you know of an event please let me know! I'd love the chance to check it out for myself, and share it with others. Thanks for stopping by, now go check out the Seattle Swedish Club!!

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